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Outdoor Bench at Hallen Basketball Court ($1,700)

Install a robust concrete bench at the Hallen Basketball Court. Concrete Bench $1,700 installed.

Estimated Cost: $1,700


woman reading on a park bench

Open Mic/Karaoke Evening ($650)

Organize an evening of karaoke and/or Open Mic for the community. DJ and equipment $100/h, 5 hours with set up, and rent $150.

Estimated Cost: $650


Open mic

Weekend dance classes ($400)

Moving together is healthy, fun, creative and community building. 2 series of 4 weeks in May and June of dance classes by local dance teachers. 1 hour classes. Ages: 15+ Teacher: $40/hour x4= $160, 2 months: $160x2= $320 Space rental: $10/hour, $10x8h=$80

Estimated Cost: $400


Dance class

Teen meetups ($1,500)

Run monthly teen meetups where Valley West teens can meet and do activities together - movie nights, field trip to bowling, beach day, Trinidad Marin lab, art workshop depending on what they want. During the months of April, May and June the Teen group would meet up once a month for 4-5 hours to do activities. A coordinator working 30 (before and during events) hours at a cost of $30/h, plus supplies, entrance fees, and potential transportation are the costs.

Estimated Cost: $1,500



Printed Newsletter ($1,050)

Cost of printing and mailing a Newsletter about what the city and CUNA are doing, and other community events. The newsletter would be sent to all the 1429 residents and businesses in north Arcata, north of Upper Bay rd. Printing and mailing costs for full color, 2 sided, folded letter format newsletter, $1050.

Estimated Cost: $1,050



Fruit Trees in Valley West Park ($750)

Plant fruit trees at Valley West Park, by the Hallen Court Playground. The city request a commitment from a group or collective individuals to care for fruit trees for at least the first two years. Could be implemented by City staff and community volunteers Estimate $150 per tree for tree with amendments and supporting items, for 5 trees.

Estimated Cost: $750


Lemons on a tree

Artisan market/flea market/tianguis ($1,950)

Organize a Tianguis/Flea market in Valley West before the end of June. The flea market would last for 5 hours, plus 3 hours set up and breakdown. The money would pay for a coordinator and organizing team, the rent, paying for local Valley West venders’ permits and business licenses. The coordinator would work towards establishing a volunteer group to keep running them on a regular basis. 5 workers for 8 hours on the day, $25/h/person, plus a Coordinator for 20 h at $30/h/person before and after the event. $150 rent, $200 vendor permits.

Estimated Cost: $1,950


Flee market

The Mural Man - Park Project (5 murals) ($2,000)

Murals are attached to fences at Hallen Park or other parks and can be changed out or added to as more mural projects are funded over time. Local artist Ben Goulart “The Mural Man” will train community and young artists for free so it would be the cost of plywood and supplies only. The murals after being sealed last up to 10 years. Plywood, sealer, paint and other supplies total for 5 mural

Estimated Cost: $2,000


Murals and folks painting them

Park Kiosk Message Center ($1,500)

Medium Recycled Plastic Message Center (Dimensions: 40"L x 3-1/2"W x 30"H) Single-side w/ one piece stainless steel piano hinge runs the full length of the bottom edge of the door. All hinge fasteners are internal, eliminating the chance of screws being removed by vandals. Weather resistant keyed barrel locks. Scratch and shatter resistant polycarbonate window is safe around kids and provides much better scratch protection than acrylic. Kiosk is $1200, cement $100, installation $200.

Estimated Cost: $1,500


message board kiosk

Outdoor Picnic Amenities at Hallen Basketball Court ($3,200)

Add picnic tables and a grill by the Basketball Court. Grill $700 installed, Picnic table on concrete pad $2500.

Estimated Cost: $3,200


picnic table

Weekend theater classes for children ($600)

Through theater we learn about all kinds of people and the human condition. Theater allows you to step into someone else's shoes and see life from their point of view. This teaches young people lessons of empathy and cultural relativity. 2 series of 4 weeks in May and June. 1 hour and 30 minute classes. Ages: 9-16 Teacher: $40/hour x 6h= $240 each month, May and June: $240x2= $480 May and June Space rental: $10/hour, 10x12h=$120

Estimated Cost: $600


Theatre workshop

Mural - Rebound Project (Basketball court mural on Hallen Drive) ($5,000)

A DreamMaker project of the Ink People Center for the Arts, REBOUND was founded late last year by local artist and educator Benjamin Funke, as a way to help beautify the community, while supporting two of his passions: art and basketball. All artists are paid for their time.

Estimated Cost: $5,000


Before and after basket ball court mural