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Greenfield High School Vista Verde Middle School Oak Avenue Elementary School Cesar Chavez Elementary School Arroyo Seco Academy Mary Chapa Academy City-wide/All schools

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Greenfield High School

1. Pedestrian Scramble at Elm Avenue and El Camino Real

Detail: Install a pedestrian scramble signal head with striping across the intersection. Benefits: Increases pedestrian safety by prohibiting any vehicle turning movements while people are crossing the street.

Estimated Cost: $200,000

Location: Elm Avenue and El Camino Real


This image is an example of a pedestrian scramble.

2. Conduct Roundabout Study at School Driveway Exit

Detail: Conduct Intersection Control Evaluation analysis to evaluate a roundabout at the school driveway exit. If roundabout is warranted, reduce El Camino Real to one lane between Tyler Avenue and US-101 entrance. Benefits: Roundabouts can improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and vehicle traffic flow.

Estimated Cost: $30,000

Location: Greenfield High School Driveway Exit


This image is an example of a roundabout.

3. 9th Street Pedestrian Improvements

Detail: Install high visibility crosswalks at 9th Street and Apple Avenue, Palm Avenue, Elm Avenue, and Maple Avenue. Install high visibility crosswalks at Elm Avenue and 8th Street. Install Americans with Disabilities Act compliant curb ramps at 9th Street. and Maple Avenue, 9th Street and Oak Avenue, and 9th Street and Palm Avenue. Benefits: Improved safety and accessibility for pedestrians along 9th Street.

Estimated Cost: $94,000

Location: Various intersections on 9th Street


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk with curb ramps.

Vista Verde Middle School

4. 12th Street Sidewalk

Detail: Install 0.24 miles of sidewalk on the south side of 12th Street between Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue. Install high visibility crosswalk, curb ramp, and flashing stop signs on 12th Street and Elm Avenue when sidewalk is installed. Benefits: Improve safety for students walking along 12th Street to Vista Verde Middle or Oak Avenue Elementary Schools.

Estimated Cost: $132,000

Location: 12th Street between Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue


This image is an example of a sidewalk.

5. Bike Lane Feasibility Study

Detail: Study the feasibility of installing a 0.75-mile Class II bike lane on 12th Street between Elm Avenue and Walnut Avenue. Benefits: Improve safety for bicyclists traveling on 12th Street by providing dedicated space to bicycle.

Estimated Cost: $12,000

Location: 12th Street between Elm Avenue and Walnut Avenue


This image is an example of a bike lane.

6. Heidi Drive Crosswalk and Signage

Detail: Install high visibility crosswalk across Heidi Drive on Elm Avenue and install school crossing signage. Benefits: Improve safety and visibility of pedestrians crossing Heidi Drive.

Estimated Cost: $7,400

Location: Heidi Drive and Elm Avenue


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk.

Oak Avenue Elementary School

7. Oak Avenue Signage and Crosswalk

Detail: Install school crossing signage at Tom Rogers Circle, San Antonio Drive, Renfro Place, at the school driveways, and at 13th Street. Update the existing red paint in drop-off loop to be yellow for loading and move crosswalk and curb extension to be in line with the intersection at Tom Rogers Circle. Benefits: Improve visibility of pedestrians walking along and across Oak Avenue.

Estimated Cost: $112,700

Location: Various intersections on Oak Avenue


This image is an example of a school crossing sign.

8. 11th Street Crosswalks and Curb Extensions

Detail: Install high visibility crosswalks and curb extensions on all corners of the Oak Avenue and 11th Street intersection. Benefits: Improve visibility and safety for people crossing 11th Street.

Estimated Cost: $216,000

Location: Oak Avenue and 11th Street


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk with curb ramps.

9. 9th Street Curb Ramps and Curb Extensions

Detail: Consider curb extensions at existing crosswalk at Oak Avenue and 9th Street and install curb ramps on either end of the midblock crosswalk. Benefits: Improve visibility and safety for people crossing 9th Street. Benefits students at Oak Avenue Elementary and Greenfield High School.

Estimated Cost: $60,000

Location: Oak Avenue and 9th Street


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk with curb ramps.

Cesar Chavez Elementary School

10. 3rd Street Pedestrian Improvements

Detail: Install 0.07 miles of sidewalk on the northwest and southeast corners of 3rd Street at Oak Avenue, install ADA compliant curb ramps, and install crosswalks on all four legs. Remove the crosswalk at 3rd Street and Palm Avenue when new crosswalk is installed. Benefits: Improve safety for people walking along 3rd Street and improve accessibility for people with disabilities.

Estimated Cost: $73,000

Location: 3rd Street at Oak Avenue


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk.

11. Apple Avenue School Signage

Detail: Install or update school ahead or school crossing signage on Apple Avenue at Thorp Avenue, Chardonnay Drive/Cordona Circle, and Burgundy Drive. Paint arrows at the school driveway to reflect no left turn. Benefits: Improve visibility of pedestrians walking along and across Apple Avenue.

Estimated Cost: $12,650

Location: Various intersections on Apple Avenue


This image is an example of a school crossing sign.

12. Thorp Avenue Pedestrian Improvements

Detail: Install high visibility crosswalks across the north and east leg of the Thorp Avenue and Bianco Way intersection. Install curb extensions at Thorp Avenue and Bianco Way and curb ramps at the school driveway entrance and exit on Thorp Avenue. Install school crossing and school ahead signage. Benefits: Improve safety by increasing visibility of pedestrians walk along and across Thorp Avenue.

Estimated Cost: $78,100

Location: Thorp Avenue and Bianco Way


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk with curb ramps.

Arroyo Seco Academy

13. 12th Street Sidewalk

Detail: Install a 0.12-mile sidewalk on 12th Street between Cherry Avenue and Harvest Way. Benefit: Improve pedestrian safety by providing dedicated space for people to walk.

Estimated Cost: $60,000

Location: 12th Street between Cherry Avenue and Harvest Way


This image is an example of a sidewalk.

14. Apple Avenue and 12th Street Pedestrian Improvements

Detail: Install high visibility crosswalks and curb extensions on all four legs of the Apple Avenue and 12th Street intersection. Install School Ahead or School Crossing signage. Benefit: Improve safety for people crossing the Apple Avenue and 12th Street intersection.

Estimated Cost: $216,850

Location: Apple Avenue and 12th Street


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk with curb ramps.

15. Hicks Drive and 12th Street Crosswalks

Detail: Install high visibility crosswalks and Americans with Disabilities Act compliant curb ramps on all corners of the Hicks Drive and 12th Street intersection. Benefit: Improve pedestrian safety by increasing visibility of people crossing at the intersection.

Estimated Cost: $32,000

Location: Hicks Drive and 12th Street


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk.

Mary Chapa Academy

16. Apple Avenue Crosswalk

Detail: Install a high visibility crosswalk on Apple Avenue at 8th Street and curb extensions on the northeast and northwest corners of the Apple Avenue and El Camino Real intersection. Benefit: Improve pedestrian safety by increasing visibility of people crossing the street.

Estimated Cost: $104,000

Location: Various intersections on Apple Avenue


This image is an example of a high visibility crosswalk.

17. Walnut Avenue Buffered Bike Lanes

Detail: In conjunction with the Walnut Avenue street-widening project, add 0.57 miles of buffered bike lanes to both sides of the street between El Camino Real and the US-101 Entrance. Benefit: A buffered bike lane can increase safety and comfort for people biking and walking along Walnut Avenue.

Estimated Cost: $220,590

Location: Walnut Avenue


This image is an example of a buffered bike lane.

18. Walnut Avenue and El Camino Real Pedestrian Improvements

Detail: Install leading pedestrian intervals on all corners of the Walnut Avenue and El Camino Real intersection. Install or update school ahead of school crossing signage. Conduct an intersection sight distance analysis and consider a red curb to improve visibility at the school driveway exit Benefits: Increase pedestrian visibility and reduce conflicts with turning vehicles by permitting pedestrians to cross before vehicles can turn.

Estimated Cost: $200,850

Location: Walnut Avenue and El Camino Real


This image is an example of a leading pedestrian interval at an intersection.

City-wide/All schools

19. Upgrade Signs around All School Campuses

Details: Upgrade 12 signs around all school campuses. Benefits: Better signage can increase driver awareness and pedestrian visibility.

Estimated Cost: $10,200

Location: All school campuses


This image is an example of a school crossing sign.

20. Ciclovía Greenfield

Details: Ciclovías are free resident-led community events where streets are closed for a specific timeframe to traffic to allow the community a space to enjoy biking, walking, and free activities in a safe environment. Benefit: Promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles and increase the safety and mobility of non-motorized users to encourage active transportation such as walking and biking.

Estimated Cost: $35,000

Location: To Be Determined


This image is sidewalk art painted during a Ciclovía event.

21. Walking School Bus

Details: Develop and Implement Elementary School Walking School Bus for 1 year. Coordinate and plan with school community, draft route maps, create program structure, implement program, recruit volunteers, promote participation, analyze results, and improve program. School to be determined. Benefit: Encourages walking to school and improves safety by providing adult-supervision and increasing visibility of walkers.

Estimated Cost: $50,000

Location: To Be Determined


This image is an example of a walking school bus.