“Urban Orchard” – Iverson Park |
Candler Park Electrical Box Art – McLendon/Candler Park Ave. |
“Urban Orchard” – Freedom Park Trail/Golf Course |
Beaver Buddy Public Art / Playground Structure / Selfie Prop |
Freedom Park Trail Invasives Removal and Beautification |
Candler Park Bathroom Overhaul |
Repair & Move Benches in Candler Park |
“Urban Orchard” – Candler Park |
Kudzu and Invasives Removal from Active Lawn along Candler Park Drive |
Candler Park Electrical Box Art – North/Moreland |
Golf Course Signs |
Candler Park Pool Improvements- Shade, Paint, & Mural |
Sixth Tee Footbridge |
“Urban Orchard” – Freedom Park |
New Artistic Bike Racks in Candler Park |
Candler Park Electrical Box Art – Clifton/McLendon |
Candler Park Stationary Bikes |
Oakdale/McLendon Crosswalk Mural |
Candler Park Electrical Box Art – Clifton/Dekalb |
Iverson Park Swings |
Address Erosion Runoff at Euclid/North |
McLendon Ave. Parklet |
“Urban Orchard” – Iverson Park
25 fruit trees to be planted throughout Iverson Park along the perimeter. This includes:
* Six 7-gallon trees (fig, chickasaw plum, Asian parsimmon)
* Twelve 15-gallon trees (Methley plum, pawpaw, American persimmon)
* Seven 30-gallon fruiting and/or canopy trees (oak, American elm, serviceberry)
Trees Atlanta is offering $5,185 in matching funds to complete the project.
Estimated Cost: $1,080
Candler Park Electrical Box Art – McLendon/Candler Park Ave.
Power boxes are often over-looked canvases that can be turned into mini murals to add pops of color and brightness to an otherwise boring and sometimes vandalized box. It helps beautify the community and supports local artists. It can also help to brand the neighborhood and let people know that they are visiting the Candler Park neighborhood, if the name is painted on one part of the box. My project is to makeover the power boxes at key intersections within and surrounding Candler Park. This kind of project is happening all around Atlanta, beautifying neighborhoods and supporting local artists. It is an easy way to add more art to Candler park when there are not a lot of mural walls available. It also helps curb graffiti on these grey boxes.
Estimated Cost: $1,250
Beaver Buddy Public Art / Playground Structure / Selfie Prop
Installation of a 4-ft tall fiberglass beaver sculpture after it has been custom-painted by a local artist. The large, sturdy and colorful structure could serve as an adhoc playground feature and a selfie prop. It would be located in the vicinity of the playground, the stream, and the existing educational signage (for the Candler Park Brook project that was completed in 2006) along the sidewalk from Terrace Avenue to the parking lot.
Candler Park Conservancy is matching $1,000 for this project and will be managing the installation.
Estimated Cost: $1,500
Freedom Park Trail Invasives Removal and Beautification
The Freedom Park Trail connecting Clifton Terrace NE to North Ave NE is bordered by Oak Grove Park, Candler Park Golf Course, and Mary Lin Elementary School. This trail is well used by the neighborhood, but the edges are overgrown with invasive plants that reduce site lines, native biodiversity, and attractiveness of the trail. Trees Atlanta recommends invasive removal and replanting in the following zones outlined in the attached photo labeled Butterfly Garden, Mary Lin, Wisteria Pit, Evergreen Fence, Stream Edge 1, Oak Grove Park Entrance, and Stream Edge 2. These zones make up a total of 1.72 acres. Invasive plants present include Chinese Wisteria, Chinese Privet, Amur Bush Honeysuckle, Chinese Holly, Japanese Honeysuckle, Glossy Privet, and Callery Pear.
Removal of invasive trees; shrubs, severing of climbing vines threatening the existing canopy, and 5 years of Wisteria treatment in these areas costs $21,513.21. If this project is selected, Trees Atlanta will donate 100 trees to replant the Wisteria Pit, Evergreen Fence, Stream Edge 1, and Stream Edge 2 zones, a $10,678.50 value. Tree species will be selected based on the desire of the community.
Estimated Cost: $21,513
Candler Park Bathroom Overhaul
The bathrooms located on the outside of the pool house at Candler Park have been closed for years. These existing, centrally located facilities could provide a vital public restroom in our heavily used park. This project would repair, clean, paint, add timed locks, and re-open the bathrooms for public use during park hours. The new doors & timer locks would lock the bathrooms during hours that the park is closed to help deter vandalism.This project will pay for 3-4 days/week cleaning for 2022, initial repairs and cleaning, and painting the interiors with graffiti resistant paint. The Department of Parks and Recreation is paying for future repairs to the bathrooms. Cleaning costs beyond FY 2022 are not yet budgeted, but will need to be addressed in the future.
Contact Point would contribute $1,000, the Candler Park Conservancy would offer $12,000 in addition to managing the installation, and the Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreation would offer $8,500 in matching funds.
Estimated Cost: $12,500
Repair & Move Benches in Candler Park
There are five historic benches inside Candler Park that are excessively weathered and, in some cases, in locations that are no longer useful. By repairing, repainting and relocating these benches, we can provide more opportunities for everyone to sit and enjoy the park.
Candler Park Conservancy is matching $1,250 for this project and will be managing the installation.
Estimated Cost: $2,750
“Urban Orchard” – Candler Park
20 fruit trees to be planted in Candler Park along the stairs/slop near the pool. This includes:
* Eleven 7-gallon trees (fig, chickasaw plum, nectarine, Methley plum, Asian parsimmon)
* Seven 15-gallon trees (American persimmon, loquat)
* Two 30-gallon canopy trees (oak)
Trees Atlanta is offering $2,285 in matching funds to complete the project.
Estimated Cost: $1,980
Kudzu and Invasives Removal from Active Lawn along Candler Park Drive
The hillside above the soccer fields and below Candler Park Drive is completely overgrown with kudzu and other invasive species. Trees Atlanta will provide the technical expertise to remove, treat and replant the hillside with appropriate native trees and shrubs. This newly open vista will allow expansive views from Candler Park Drive, help promote healthy vegetation, as well as vastly improve the aesthetics of the active lawn.
Trees Atlanta is donating over $10,000 to purchase 50 trees to be planted as part of this project and is managing the implementation. Candler Park Conservancy is participating in overseeing this 5 year project and will be matching $9,000.
Estimated Cost: $5,000
Candler Park Electrical Box Art – North/Moreland
Power boxes are often over-looked canvases that can be turned into mini murals to add pops of color and brightness to an otherwise boring and sometimes vandalized box. It helps beautify the community and supports local artists. It can also help to brand the neighborhood and let people know that they are visiting the Candler Park neighborhood, if the name is painted on one part of the box. My project is to makeover the power boxes at key intersections within and surrounding Candler Park. This kind of project is happening all around Atlanta, beautifying neighborhoods and supporting local artists. It is an easy way to add more art to Candler park when there are not a lot of mural walls available. It also helps curb graffiti on these grey boxes.
Estimated Cost: $1,250
Golf Course Signs
Residents continue to picnic, walk their dogs, and stroll around the golf course, ponds, and creeks, which is a large safety hazard. The signs that warned people that the area was only for playing golf kept getting taken up or drawn on. I propose more permanent ones. Budget pays for 10 24”x24” single-sided aluminum composite signs. Locations will include the four corners of the course as well as along Terrace Avenue and Candler Park Drive.
Estimated Cost: $1,253
Candler Park Pool Improvements- Shade, Paint, & Mural
The pool at Candler Park has multiple opportunities for improvement for this fantastic community and regional resource. This project would add a mural covering the brick wall along the back of the pool which would be visible to all park visitors. It would also add four tables with umbrellas to provide seating and shade for pool visitors. Lastly, it would involve weeding, power washing, and painting the exterior of the pool house and eaves that face the interior of the pool.
Candler Park Conservancy is matching $12,000 for this project and will be managing the installation.
Estimated Cost: $10,000
Sixth Tee Footbridge
Installation of a small footbridge over the stream between the long tee and the short tee at the sixth hole of the golf course. It would also include replanting the stream bank with native species.
Candler Park Conservancy is matching $2,000 for this project and will be managing the installation.
Estimated Cost: $5,500
“Urban Orchard” – Freedom Park
6 fruit trees to be planted in Freedom Park along North Avenue near the Euclid Avenue intersection. This includes:
* Six 15-gallon fruit trees (pawpaw, American persimmon)
Trees Atlanta is offering $1,350 in matching funds, which completely covers all costs!
Estimated Cost: $0
New Artistic Bike Racks in Candler Park
Install two new bike racks at the pool and soccer fields to encourage biking to the park, provide security, and add functional art to the park space. These rack designs from a local artist will be customized to say "Candler Park" in the wheel of the bike.
Candler Park Conservancy is matching $1,500 for this project and will be managing the installation.
Estimated Cost: $4,000
Candler Park Electrical Box Art – Clifton/McLendon
Power boxes are often over-looked canvases that can be turned into mini murals to add pops of color and brightness to an otherwise boring and sometimes vandalized box. It helps beautify the community and supports local artists. It can also help to brand the neighborhood and let people know that they are visiting the Candler Park neighborhood, if the name is painted on one part of the box. My project is to makeover the power boxes at key intersections within and surrounding Candler Park. This kind of project is happening all around Atlanta, beautifying neighborhoods and supporting local artists. It is an easy way to add more art to Candler park when there are not a lot of mural walls available. It also helps curb graffiti on these grey boxes.
Estimated Cost: $1,250
Oakdale/McLendon Crosswalk Mural
A crosswalk mural at the intersection of Oakdale Rd NE and McLendon Avenue. The intersection is an increasingly pedestrian-friendly area of Candler Park, with the recent opening of three new businesses catering to walk-in customers. It is also a main traffic thoroughfare, with a busy four-way stoplight. For pedestrians, the intersection can be very intimidating to cross. Drivers are often focused on other drivers at the intersection, as they take turns driving through the intersection. We propose to create a crosswalk mural at the intersection. This would enhance pedestrian safety by emphasizing non-vehicular uses of this area. A crosswalk mural could also alert drivers that they are crossing a multi-use area and encourage recognition of this. Crosswalk art could also serve to engage with the increasing pedestrian traffic and contribute to neighborhood character.
Estimated Cost: $35,000
Candler Park Electrical Box Art – Clifton/Dekalb
Power boxes are often over-looked canvases that can be turned into mini murals to add pops of color and brightness to an otherwise boring and sometimes vandalized box. It helps beautify the community and supports local artists. It can also help to brand the neighborhood and let people know that they are visiting the Candler Park neighborhood, if the name is painted on one part of the box. My project is to makeover the power boxes at key intersections within and surrounding Candler Park. This kind of project is happening all around Atlanta, beautifying neighborhoods and supporting local artists. It is an easy way to add more art to Candler park when there are not a lot of mural walls available. It also helps curb graffiti on these grey boxes.
Estimated Cost: $1,250
Address Erosion Runoff at Euclid/North
Our neighborhood has some soil erosion issues at the intersection of Euclid Avenue North Avenue. After a rain, the soil washes down from the embankments onto the sidewalks and into the streets. The sidewalks and gutters always have a layer of mud/dirt that people tend to avoid by walking in the streets thus endangering themselves with the heavy rate of traffic in the area. Eventually, the eroded soil makes its way into our storm drains which inevitably means the city needs to clean them out more frequently.
To address this, we could apply a layer of mulch to soak up stormwater. This will help to retain existing soil and stabilize the situation.
The outlined budget provides for one year of coverage.
Estimated Cost: $6,000
McLendon Ave. Parklet
Covers the design, installation, and one-year of maintenance for a “parklet,” or small public park in the parking space in front of Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party on McLendon Avenue. The parklet will serve as a shared community space with greenery and seating. Dr. Bombay’s has committed to insuring and maintaining the parklet once installed. After one year, it will be up to the restaurant and/or community to decide whether they want to renew their commitment to maintain the space. Picture is an approximation of the installation. The parklet pictured is from Richmond, VA.
Estimated Cost: $32,000
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