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PB Projects

606 Murals and Artists Drive (2021 – 2022 project: future menu money reserved)

Residents have proposed establishing murals along the 606, which will require a public process with the City and could be strengthened by hosting a public drive to register artists with the City. Voting for this option will show your support for this type of artists’ advocacy and potential murals along the 606.

Estimated Cost: $60,000 - $120,000

Currently Selected Cost:


606 Traffic Calming Study

With the assistance of the 1st Ward Office, residents have submitted a traffic study to add traffic calming features along West Bloomingdale Avenue next to the trail. Voting for this option shows support for expanded pedestrian safety along the entries to the 606.

Estimated Cost: $60,000


Bike Lane / Marked Shared Lane

Residents have requested expanded bike lane infrastructure and pavement markings across the Ward. This item reserves shared bike lanes, and potential cross-directional bike lanes, for four miles of road. Early candidates include West Lyndale (west of North Western Avenue), West Armitage Avenue, and North Paulina and/or North Wood (dependent upon Department of Transportation surveys).

Estimated Cost: $120,000


LED Traffic Signal Upgrades and Pedestrian Countdown Signals

Residents have requested additional pedestrian crossing signs across the Ward, including busy intersections along North Kedzie. Voting for this item supports reserving funds for adding pedestrian traffic signals to four intersections.

Estimated Cost: $200,000


Pedestrian Safety Traffic Studies

Throughout the year, the 1st Ward Office collects traffic studies from residents. These studies often result in the development of numerous pedestrian safety features, including refuge islands, expanded crosswalk signage, and bump-outs.

Estimated Cost: $80,000


1st Ward Adopt a Tree

Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward Office can use menu money to help plant new trees. But in most cases, we need ownership consent to plant these trees. If you’d like a new tree on your parkway, please reach out to

Estimated Cost: $50,000


Paving Options

The 1st Ward Office is working with Dept. of Transportation on a variety of paving options for streets and alleys. Please vote for this item to share your preference for paving, compared with other options.

Estimated Cost: $500,000