1. Alleys ($1,000,000)
There are over 300 residential alleys in the 35th Ward, many of which need resurfacing. One residential asphalt alley costs approximately $60,000 to repair, depending on the residential alley's existing damage and length. If the Chicago Department of Transportation determines that a concrete alley is needed to fix existing issues, costs increase to at least $200,000 per concrete alley.
Estimated Cost: $0 - $1,000,000
Currently Selected Cost:
3. Street Resurfacing ($500,000)
Street resurfacing promotes vehicular safety. The cost for the first five blocks of resurfaced streets is $50,460. Asphalt resurfacing for one residential street costs approximately $83,000 for subsequent blocks, depending on the length of the block.
Estimated Cost: $0 - $500,000
Currently Selected Cost:
4. Repairs Near Schools ($300,000)
For your consideration, the committee has identified two special projects: improving lighting and replacing and repairing the wrought iron fence surrounding Helge A. Haugan Elementary (located in Albany Park at 4540 N Hamlin) and improving residential lighting on the 2900 block of N Sawyer near Avondale-Logandale.
Estimated Cost: $0 - $300,000
Currently Selected Cost:
You will now be asked to participate in an activity that will not affect your vote, but is part of a Stanford University research project meant to help us improve the participatory budgeting process.
This study poses no risk. No payment will be made to you for participation, and we cannot guarantee any benefits to you. You have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. This study is funded partially by the National Science Foundation. Please contact Professor Ashish Goel at goel_admins@lists.stanford.edu if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns. You may also contact the Stanford Institutional Review Board at 650-723-2480.