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Street Resurfacing PB Chicago Ward 45

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  2. You can vote for up to 6 projects and 1 vote for the street resurfacing project.
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  1. Choose the projects you want to support by clicking on the 'Select' buttons.
  2. You can vote for up to 6 projects and 1 vote for the street resurfacing project.
  3. Click the \"Submit My Vote\" button when you're ready to submit.

Street Resurfacing

What percentage of the total budget should go toward street resurfacing?

The Streets Committee of the 45th Ward Participatory Budgeting Initiative identified and prioritized the streets most in need of resurfacing. Please note that it is subject to Chicago Department of Transportation approval.

Please select one of the options below:

PB Chicago Ward 45

Colored LED lights under the Milwaukee Viaduct: Walkway OPTION 1

Install colored LED lights under the viaduct located on North Milwaukee north of the Jefferson Park Transit Center and south of the 16th District station as a placemaking and public safety tool. This option includes walkway lighting and the infrastructure to support future lighting additions. (You may only select 1 Colored LED project.)

Estimated Cost: $140,000


Colored LED Lights Under the Milwaukee Viaduct: Facade + Walkway OPTION 2

Install colored LED lights under the viaduct located on North Milwaukee north of the Jefferson Park Transit Center and south of the 16th District station as a placemaking and public safety tool. This option includes walkway and facade lighting as well as the infrastructure to support future lighting additions. (You may only select 1 Colored LED project.)

Estimated Cost: $240,000


Curb Extension (Bump-Out) at McVicker and Bryn Mawr

Extend the curbs on the north and south side of Bryn Mawr and the west side of McVicker to increase the pedestrian safety for students walking to Hitch Elementary.

Estimated Cost: $70,000


Jefferson Park Branch Library Facelift

Enhance lighting at the circulation desk, replace the old carpet, improve the outdated electrical system, and replace the sidewalk leading up to the Jefferson Park Branch library.

Estimated Cost: $175,000


Curb Extension (Bump-Out) at Dakin & Lamon

Extend the curbs on the southwest and southeast corner of Lamon and Dakin, on the Lamon side.

Estimated Cost: $30,000


Curb Extension (Bump-Out) on Avondale at the Pedestrian Bridge Intersection

Extend the curbs on the east and west side of Avondale at the pedestrian bridge to the Gladstone Park Metra Station to increase pedestrian safety.

Estimated Cost: $70,000


Mid-Block Bump-Out on Higgins to Jefferson Memorial Park

Installation of a crosswalk, in-road pedestrian sign, and bump-outs for people accessing Jefferson Memorial Park and walking to/from the Jefferson Park Transit Center.

Estimated Cost: $65,000


Repair Sidewalks Throughout the Ward

Fix broken sidewalks throughout the ward based on severity to make them safer for pedestrians.

Estimated Cost: $150,000


Repair Curbs Throughout the Ward

Replace broken curbs throughout the ward based on severity to make sidewalks safer for pedestrians and to keep sidewalks from flooding.

Estimated Cost: $150,000


Install Hanging Planters in Business Corridors

Purchase and install hanging planters in the Six Corners, Jefferson Park, and Gladstone Park business corridors.

Estimated Cost: $25,000


Install 17 Decorate Trash Containers Throughout the Ward

Install 8 decorative trash cans on North Milwaukee from Foster to Peterson, 4 on Northwest Highway from Foster to Menard, and 5 on Lawrence from the viaduct at the Copernicus Center to Central

Estimated Cost: $26,000


Fencing and Lighting Near Gladstone Metra

Replace the fencing and improve lighting on the path connecting the Gladstone Park Metrea to the pedestrian bridge over the Kennedy.

Estimated Cost: $70,000


Two Neighborhood Greenways

Provide designated low-stress bicycle routes with signage, bicycle sharrow markings, and bicycle lanes where feasible for 1.5-miles on Austin Avenue to Indian Road Park and for 1.5-miles from the Jefferson Park Transit Center to the North Branch Trail Extension on Forest Glen Avenue.

Estimated Cost: $90,000


Adult Exercise Equipment at Wilson Park and Austin-Foster Park

Installation of permanent outdoor adult exercise equipment in a 2,000-15,000 square foot fitness area with 4-8 fitness pieces and a fall attenuating surface for safety ($50,000/park).

Estimated Cost: $100,000


Montrose Avenue streetscape improvements

Install colorful street decorations or other neighborhood identifiers and transportation identifiers on Montrose from Cicero to the Blue Line.

Estimated Cost: $35,000


Arches, Marquee, or Other Distinctive Signage at Jefferson Memorial Park

Installation of a unique identifier at the Jefferson Memorial Park to help attract patrons and offer a measure of architectural elegance and style to this busy park.

Estimated Cost: $100,000