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Note: These projects are arranged in a random order.

. Little Free Library at 37th St. Trail ($300)

This proposal is to place a Little Free Library at the trail in-between 37th St. SE and R St. SE.

Timeline for implementation: 2 months
Community Involvement:Medium

Estimated Cost: $300

Location: Trail in between 37th and R St. SE


. Playground Improvement at Firwood Circle ($30,000)

This proposal seeks to construct a covered pavilion area and increase the amount of seating available for youth and families.

Letter of Support

Timeline of Completion: 4 - 6 months
Community Involvement: Low

Estimated Cost: $30,000

Location: Near the playground structure


. Community Garden at Terminal Park ($15,000)

This proposal is to create a Community Garden at Terminal Park.

Timeline of Completion: 2 - 3 months to create the infrastructure, and then preparing for the 2023 growing season.
Community Involvement: High

Estimated Cost: $15,000

Location: On the east side of the park


. Creation of Pocket Park near Mt. Baker School ($7,000)

This proposal seeks to create a Pocket Park near Mt. Baker school.

Timeline of Completion: 1 - 2 months to plan out the Park, 2 - 3 months to clear out the Park and build the amenities.
Community Involvement: Medium

Estimated Cost: $7,000

Location: Just east of the parking lot of Mt. Baker School


. Benches in the Area ($6,000)

This proposal is to place benches in 2 different spots on 37th St. SE and in front of Game Farm Park.

Timeline for completion: 3 months
Community Involvement: Low

Estimated Cost: $6,000

Location: 3 locations total - Near Bus Stop, Trail in between 37th St. SE and R St. SE, and in front of Game Farm Park


. Garbage Cans and Pet Waste Stations on 37th St. SE ($10,000)

This proposal would be to place garbage cans and poop stations along 37th St. SE.

Timeline for completion: 2 - 3 months
Community Involvement: Medium (requires monitoring and follow-up with the City) Read more...

Estimated Cost: $10,000

Location: 2 locations total - Near the Bus Stop and at the trail in-between 37th St and R St.