The voting has ended.

Welcome to the PB Durham Cycle 1 Election

PB Durham voting is ofifically open from May 1-May 31st. There are 3 ways to vote in the PB election: 

  1. Vote Online at Residents and students can vote online using the PB Stanford Online Voting Platform.
  2. Vote at a PB Voting Sites-PB Voting sites will be held throughout the City in partnership with project stakeholders such as Durham Public Schools, Durham Housing Authority, and North Carolina Central University. To view a full listing of voting sites visit our events page!
  3. Vote at a PB Pop-up Voting Site- Pop-up sites will be located throughout the City in order to meet residents in their communities. Grocery stores, banks, shopping centers, and coffee shops are examples of pop-up sites. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for real-time updates.

PB Durham Voting Requirements-

  • must be 13 years of age or older at the time of voting
  • must be a City of Durham resident or student 


By continuing on this page you are acknowledge that you meet the requirements to vote in the PB Durham election.

To vote online the first step is to Find Your Ward Here! (If the page does not work, try a different browser please) 

Once you know your ward, click on the corresponding link below and it will take you to your ballot.

Ward Ballots:

Please contact PB Durham at or call (984) 227-3395 if you have questions, need assistance or would like a paper ballot. Paper ballots are also available in English and Spanish at all PB voting sites.

Ward map of Durham