Durham Housing Authority (DHA) LED Lighting and Security Cameras |
Bus Shelters with Reclaimed Art and Solar Panels |
Technology for Durham Public High and Middle Schools |
Wi-FI Hotspot Picnic Tables |
Solar Electric Vehicle Charging Station |
El Futuro |
The Life Center-Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Equipment for Youth After School Program |
LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) |
Belmont Park Improvements
Improvements to Belmont Park (located at Sovereign Street and Albany Avenue). The objective for park is to create a space for toddlers between the ages of 2 to 5 years and families to gather. The proposed improvements include: * playground equipment, benches, and picnic tables * a pump track around the perimeter. Pump tracks are short circular riding tracks of about 70 meters that include smooth mounds and berms. The tracks can be built suitable for any rider 3 and up * additional street lamps will be added near the perimeter of the park as a safety feature. * And a fence would be repaired and the entrance/exit gates moved to discourage the park as pass-through portal
Estimated Cost: $124,630
Durham Housing Authority (DHA) LED Lighting and Security Cameras
Lighting improvements and the installation of security cameras on Durham Housing Authority (DHA) properties. The Ward 3 properties include Damar Court.
Estimated Cost: $57,783
Bus Shelters with Reclaimed Art and Solar Panels
Install bus shelters at existing stops that lack shelters and other stop amenities in nearby areas. To improve the ridership experience and aesthetics as well as contribute to renewable energy generation, shelters will include artwork commissioned by local artists using reclaimed materials as well as solar panel installations at select that will power lights and USB charging stations.
Estimated Cost: $395,757
Technology for Durham Public High and Middle Schools
This project will provide Durham Public Schools (Jordan High School, Githens Middle, Lakewood Montessori Middle School, and Rogers-Herr Year Round Magnet Middle School) with funds to purchase and replace Epson Brightlink 685 Wi Projectors used in classrooms at the following high/middle schools: Jordan High, Githens Middle, Lakewood Montessori Middle School, and Rogers-Herr Year Round Magnet Middle School. DPS administration identified a need for working projectors in the classrooms as a major priority. Teachers rely on projectors every day, which are used for lessons, conducting research, watching educational videos and solving problems among many other things.
Estimated Cost: $134,784
Wi-FI Hotspot Picnic Tables
Citywide: Install solar-powered, fully-integrated Wi-Fi hotspot picnic tables at nine DHA properties to provide free, public access to the city’s planned fiber optic network. Eight DHA properties have been identified for installation: McDougald Terrace, Cornwallis Rd, Liberty St., Oxford Manor Edgemont Elms, Oldham Towers, Preiss Steele, and Damar Court.
Estimated Cost: $123,750
El Futuro
This project would expand the El Futuro Durham clinic in the adjacent space at the Shoppes at Lakewood. El Futuro is a nonprofit outpatient clinic that provides comprehensive mental health services for Latino families in a bilingual environment of healing and hope. Construction to uplift the additional space will begin spring 2019. This request is to complete phase 2 renovations in Summer 2019 and bring space fully online. Phase 1 of this project is currently underway in the back third of our green space. Additional funds from the City of Durham will help us complete the next area of the space, expanding treatment and community gathering areas for Latino families and our Lakewood neighbors.
Estimated Cost: $96,168
The Life Center-Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Equipment for Youth After School Program
The Life Center provides After-School program for grades K-12. The Life Center would use PB funds to purchase STEM equipment to include XPS laptops, flight simulators, Marker Replicator 3D printer, etc. The equipment is needed to enhance existing program, expand services, and ensure that underserved kids in Ward 3 have an opportunity to benefit from STEM projects.
Estimated Cost: $145,991
LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning)
We are proposing the creation of an LGBTQ+ Youth Center that will allow the current center to expand its mission to intentionally focus on the City of Durham’s LGBTQ+ youth population. This center will function as the singular physical hub of LGBTQ+ youth resources that currently scatter the city and increase their reach. The space will value and honor youth leadership and wisdom while focusing on enhancing individual agency and empowerment. It will also feature targeted programming and educational events designed to support youth in the development of positive self-concept, resiliency, building social and vocational skills, and leadership skills.
Estimated Cost: $113,300