The voting has ended.

PBGreensboro lgo

Welcome to the PBGreensboro digital ballot.

You will help decide how you want to allocate $100,000 of the City's budget in the City Council District in which you live.

You may choose projects up to a total of $100,000.

Voting is open to all residents of Greensboro, ages 14 and up. 

NOTE: All PB projects will be implemented according to existing purchasing and procurement rules managed through the Procurement Services Division under the Finance Department. Procurement Services provides services to all City departments by planning, organizing, and directing purchasing activities in accordance with federal, state, and local laws governing purchasing. Furthermore, it is the City's policy to ensure all businesses -- including those owned by minorities and women -- are afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the City’s contracting processes for commodities, construction and other professional services. Projects will be reviewed in accordance with the city's Minority and Women's Business Enterprices (M/WBE) program and policies. The goal is to implement the projects as presented on the ballot to residents; however, completed projects may differ from original submissions due to conditions at the time of implementation.