Surveillance Cameras Near Washington Middle School
Install 2 cameras outside Washington Middle School. Students & parents have expressed concern for their safety in the surrounding area
Estimated Cost: $25,300
Location: 1 at Cedar & 1 at Pacific entryways
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New Benches in Our Parks
Install 4 benches - 2 at Peace Park near playground equipment, 2 at Chavez Park near walking trail
Estimated Cost: $23,000
Location: Peace Park & Chavez Park
Crosswalk Safety Near Hospital & School
Add crosswalk & flashing lights across 10th St. at Elm outside health center. Install 2 continental crosswalks outside Edison School
Estimated Cost: $26,450
Location: 10th St/Elm, Daisy/6th, Daisy/7th
Edison Beautification
Install mixed media mural on 7th st pedestrian bridge, add flowering plants around elementary school
Estimated Cost: $24,150
Location: 6th & 7th St near Daisy