PS 146/MS 448 Innovative Gym Renovation |
PS 179 Auditorium Renovation |
A/C for PS124 Cafeteria (Title 1 School) |
Park Slope Library Storytelling Garden |
Technology for Local Arts Non-Profits |
Art in the 4th Avenue F/G Subway Station |
Note: These projects are arranged in a random order.
Project #7
Make Union Street & 9th Street Greener
A green corridor taking shape along Union St will be extended bt Bond & 4th Ave. Bioswales will capture stormwater and create habitat. Pending geotechnical study, 9th St will also be greened this way.
Estimated Cost: $150,000
Location: Union & 9th Sts, Bond-4th Ave. (Gowanus)
Project #8
Windsor Terrace Stormwater Greenstreet
Inclusion of a greenstreet enhancement to a pedestrian refuge to capture stormwater, calm traffic, provide stewardship partnership opportunities (like with nearby PS 154), and beautify the area.
Estimated Cost: $80,000
Location: Prospect Park SW & 16th St (Windsor Terrace)
Project #5
PS 146/MS 448 Innovative Gym Renovation
BNS/BCS serves 1,400 children. 50% qualify for free lunch. 30% have disabilities. Overcrowding is an issue. Renovation of a room (currently not useable) allows for physical fitness, yoga, dance, etc.
Estimated Cost: $225,000
Location: 610 Henry St. (3rd Pl.-4th Pl) (Carroll Gardens)
Project #6
PS 179 Auditorium Renovation
A Title 1 school with 1,000 students; 45% are English Language Learners. The renovation would make a decrepit auditorium functional with a wireless sound system, new curtains and a refurbished stage.
Estimated Cost: $230,000
Location: 202 Avenue C (E.2nd-E. 3rd St) (Kensington)
Project #4
A/C for PS124 Cafeteria (Title 1 School)
The below-ground cafeteria is plagued by heat from open kitchen and poor circulation. The space is unbearably hot Spring thru Fall. The school hosts summer programs and the space is used year round.
Estimated Cost: $200,000
Location: 515 4th Ave.(13th St-14th St.) (Park Slope)
Project #13
More Turnstiles at 7th Ave. F/G Station
Install approximately 6 low turnstiles at both the 7th Avenue entrance and the 8th Avenue entrance; move unused token booth from center of station to 7th Ave entrance. End the lines!
Estimated Cost: $200,000
Location: 7th Avenue F/G Subway Station (Park Slope)
Project #2
Park Slope Library Storytelling Garden
Convert the branch's south lawn into an edible garden with raised beds & benches. In the sheltered hollow behind the building, construct a child-friendly micro-amphitheater for outdoor storytelling.
Estimated Cost: $250,000
Location: 431 6th Ave. at 9th Street (Park Slope)
Project #1
Art in the 4th Avenue F/G Subway Station
To accompany its recent renovation, this station will receive a new art installation (specific location TBD) to serve as a major landmark and a symbol of our neighborhoods’ investment in the arts.
Estimated Cost: $325,000
Location: 4th Ave. b/w 9th and 10th Sts. (Gowanus & Park Slope)
Project #12
Four Safer Intersections on Hicks Street
Augment an existing project to make painted curb extensions permanent with concrete, at four high-crash intersections: Kane, Sackett, Union, and Summit Streets. Improve pedestrian & traffic safety.
Estimated Cost: $300,000
Location: Hicks St b/w Kane & Summit Sts (Cobble Hill & Carroll Gardens)
Project #10
New Drainage along Path in Prospect Park
Fix flooding along path near Dongan Oak Monument by excavating the area, reconstructing catch basins, and installing new drainage. This is a popular area for runners and pedestrians along East Drive.
Estimated Cost: $200,000
Location: B/w Battle Pass & the Zoo (Prospect Park)
Project #9
Kids Play Area at St. Mary’s Playground
Funding to help add a kids play area to a planned park renovation. Soft, resilient surface will allow for safe play or small sports and absorb rainwater. Park is under the elevated tracks along Smith.
Estimated Cost: $250,000
Location: Smith St (Luquer-Huntington) (Gowanus & Carroll Gardens)
Project #11
Water Service for Thomas Cuite Park
Restore water service to the water fountain in Thomas Cuite Park by excavating the street and replacing broken pipes. This local park has a playground and grassy area, located near the Prospect Expy.
Estimated Cost: $350,000
Location: 11th Avenue and 19th Street (Windsor Terrace)