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What percentage of the money should we use to resurface our streets? How should the rest of the Menu Money be used in the 35th Ward?

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What percentage of the money should we use to resurface our streets?

. Street Resurfacing ($1,000,000)

Resurfacing is necessary to address streets and sidewalks that have deteriorated, are safety hazards and are generally in poor condition. Residents, businesses and visitors to the 35th Ward will benefit from improved safety when traveling in the ward. Menu money is the only available funding for residential street resurfacing in Chicago’s wards. Thanks to a federal subsidy, the cost for the first five blocks of resurfaced streets is $43,500 per block. The average cost for each street resurfaced in addition the initial five is $72,000.

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How should the rest of the Menu Money be used in the 35th Ward?

1. Beautification ($30,000)

Planters (3) along Irving Park between Drake and Central Park ($9,000) Planters (4) along Fullerton between Keystone and Keeler ($12,000) Steel trash can on Fullerton and Keystone ($3,000) Steel trash can on the southeast corner of Fullerton and Karlov ($3,000) Steel trash can on the southeast corner of Fullerton and Kedvale ($3,000)

Estimated Cost: $30,000


2. Sidewalk Replacement ($400,000)

3700 Block of W. Eastwood North and Southside ($160,000) 2300 Block of N. Hamlin Eastside ($80,000) 2200 Block of N. Hamlin East and Westside ($160,000)

Estimated Cost: $400,000


3. Street Lighting ($90,000)

4000 Block of W. Belden to Karlov

Estimated Cost: $90,000


4. Alleys, Alley Aprons & Curbs ($220,000)

Alley Resurfacing: 2800 N. Dawson (between Dawson and Wisner, Milwaukee and Kimball) ($50,000) Curb and Gutter: 3653 – 3657 N. Kimball ($80,000) Curb and Gutter: 4240 N. Kimball ($80,000) Alley Apron: 3400 W. School ($10,000)

Estimated Cost: $220,000