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Street Resurfacing Community Developed Projects

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Street Resurfacing

What percentage of the total budget should go towards street resurfacing?

The Streets Committee of the 45th Ward Participatory Budgeting Initiative identified and prioritized the streets most in need of resurfacing. Please note that it is subject to Chicago Department of Transportation approval. Please select one of the options below:

Please select one of the options below:

Community Developed Projects

Hermosa Park Field Improvements

Hermosa Park’s baseball fields are in terrible shape and are badly in need of a facelift. This project would help improve the conditions of the ball fields for everyone!

Estimated Cost: $125,000


Student Safety and Digital School Signs

Lloyd School and Chicago Academy both need new digital signs to help spread the word about community events! Also, for safety, Chicago Academy students need a speed display on Austin and safety netting around the field to reduce danger for students coming to and from school.

Estimated Cost: $135,000


Sidewalks Outside Blackhawk Park

Blackhawk Park has been neglected for too long. Its sidewalks are among the worst in the Ward. This ballot item will help all Ward residents have safe access to yet another beautiful park.

Estimated Cost: $40,000


Student Safety and Bell Park Improvements

Students from 11 schools cross Central between Grand and Fullerton everyday. A pedestrian island on this major street will improve safe crossing. Additionally, safety nets at Northwest Middle School and Bell Park will increase safety. Furthermore, Bell Park will get a new volleyball court and pathways.

Estimated Cost: $205,000


Pedestrian Safety

Turn signals at Oak Park and Diversey will help keep Locke School students safe. A speed display on Belmont will help keep all Ward residents safe. This ballot item will do both.

Estimated Cost: $60,000


Traffic Safety at Fullerton and Narragansett

This ballot item includes pedestrian countdown clocks and turn signals at Fullerton and Narragansett. It also includes several additional speed displays throughout the Ward.

Estimated Cost: $70,000