Life/Career Skills Counselors
A counselor at community centers will work with youth to build their life, career and emotional health skills over a 3-month period.
Estimated Cost: $45,200
Location: South, West Seattle
Safe Routes to Schools
Improve crosswalks in areas near schools to create safer routes to school for students.
Estimated Cost: $145,000
Location: South, West Seattle
Computer Science Education for Formerly Incarcerated Youth
Computer science and coding classes for formerly incarcerated youth and young adults.
Estimated Cost: $61,000
Location: City-wide
Murals Designed and Created by Youth
Art classes designed for at-risk youth, focusing on creating public murals.
Estimated Cost: $157,500
Location: City-wide
Wi-Fi Hotspot Checkout
A term-limited expansion of the Seattle Public Library’s checkout system to include more Wi-Fi hotspots, which increase internet access.
Estimated Cost: $165,000
Location: City-wide
Youth Homeless Shelter Improvements
Physical improvements for a youth homeless shelter such as installing lockers, washers and dryers, and new paint.
Estimated Cost: $42,000
Location: Central, North Seattle