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Trees Along West Side Avenue

The City will install 50 trees along West Side Avenue for the beautification of the area.

预算费用: $50,000


Sports and Recreational Equipment

The City will sponsor sports and recreational equipment for residents to enjoy games in several parks.

预算费用: $10,000


Curbside bump-out along West Side Avenue

The City will install one curbside bump-out along West Side Avenue to aid in stormwater management, traffic safety, and the general health and beautification of the street.

预算费用: $50,000


Trash and Litter Cleanup and Campaigns

A general Cleanup Initiative. The city will install new trash and recycling receptacles throughout Ward B, install several pet waste bag stations, and sponsor a campaign around cleanliness and litter prevention.

预算费用: $50,000


Bike Racks

Several bike racks will be installed along West Side Avenue. This will allow residents to safely park bikes without interfering with the sidewalk or street parking.

预算费用: $15,000


Story and Study Time at West Bergen Library

The City will sponsor an event every Friday for residents and children to read and study alongside storytellers (English and Spanish options), tutors to help teens with homework after school, and healthy snacks.

预算费用: $50,000


Flower Garden in Audubon Park

Flowers and native plants will be planted inside the park for general beautification and to enhance residents' enjoyment of the area.

预算费用: $10,000