هذه مجرد معاينة. ولن يتم تسجيل تصويتك.


  1. حدد المشاريع التي تريد دعمها. ولا يمكن أن تتجاوز التكلفة الإجمالية $50,000.
  2. ويمكنك الاطلاع على المبلغ الإجمالي الذي خصصته حتى الآن في الشريط الموجود أعلاه. ويمكنك إزالة أي مشاريع مُحددة مسبقًا عند النقر فوق الشريط أو مباشرة عند النقر فوق المشروع المُختار.
  3. وانقر فوق الزر "إرسال تصويتي" عندما تكون مستعدًا للإرسال.

ملاحظة: هذه المشاريع مُرتبة عشوائيًا.

Street Safety Campaign

The City will sponsor a Street Safety Campaign for pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, drivers and all who share the road. This will improve awareness and educate pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, drivers etc. to proper behavior that would improve safety.

التكلفة التقديرية: $20,000


Crossing Guard at Sip and Summit

The City will sponsor a crossing guard at the intersection of Sip and Summit for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week to aid residents' navigating it.

التكلفة التقديرية: $25,000


Trash and Litter Cleanup and Campaigns

A general Cleanup Initiative. The City will install new trash and recycling receptacles throughout Ward C, install several pet waste bag stations, and sponsor a campaign around cleanliness and litter prevention.

التكلفة التقديرية: $50,000


Swimming Lessons for Kids at Pershing Field

The City will sponsor a lifeguard to give swimming lessons for children during weekends at Pershing Field Pool.

التكلفة التقديرية: $20,000


Trees along Newark Ave and Various Locations in Ward C

The City will install 50 trees along Newark Avenue and other locations in Ward C for beautification of the area and residents' enjoyment.

التكلفة التقديرية: $50,000


Outreach Program and Resource Navigator

The City will sponsor an outreach program for mental health and harm reduction along with a part time resource navigator to help residents in need with access to the programs for their support and aid.

التكلفة التقديرية: $50,000


Water fountains at Pershing Field and Sgt. Anthony Park

Installation of 3 new water fountains and bottle filling stations with two at Pershing Field and one at Sgt. Anthony Park.

التكلفة التقديرية: $25,000


After School Program

The City will sponsor an event every Friday in alternating libraries in Ward C for study, drama, computers, and board games. Also ensuring activities are available for children with special needs.

التكلفة التقديرية: $50,000


Community Crosswalk Murals

The City will sponsor artists to install crosswalk murals at 5 intersections in Ward C.

التكلفة التقديرية: $20,000


Monthly Festival in Pershing Field

Sponsoring the setup and cleanup of a festival with local merchants and small businesses in the area in Pershing Field.

التكلفة التقديرية: $50,000