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  1. Seleccione los proyectos que le gustaría apoyar. El coste total no puede exceder los $50,000.
  2. Puede ver la cantidad total que ha acumulado en la barra de arriba. Puede eliminar cualquier proyecto seleccionado anteriormente haciendo click en la barra o directamente haciendo click en el proyecto elegido.
  3. Haz clic en el botón "Enviar Mi Voto" cuando estés listo para presentar tu elección.

Nota: Estos proyectos están en orden aleatorio.

More Planters at Crosswalks over Downtown

The City will install new planters with local plants at crosswalks around the downtown area for beautification and residents' enjoyment.

Costo Estimado: $30,000


Environmental Classes in Mary Benson Park

The City will sponsor 4 events in Mary Benson Park to provide education and child friendly demonstrations for residents about the environment and also hands-on experience with the composting process.

Costo Estimado: $5,000


Street Safety Campaign

The City will sponsor a Street Safety Campaign for pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, drivers and all who share the road. This will improve awareness and educate pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, drivers etc. to proper behavior that would improve safety.

Costo Estimado: $20,000


Trash and Litter Cleanup and Campaigns

A general Cleanup Initiative. The City will install new trash and recycling receptacles throughout Ward E, install several pet waste bag stations, and sponsor a campaign around cleanliness and litter prevention.

Costo Estimado: $50,000


Water Fountains at J Owen Grundy Park

The City will install a water fountain with bottle filling station in J Owen Grundy Park.

Costo Estimado: $5,000


Improve Playground on Merseles Street behind Firehouse 5

The City will install tables and benches next to the playground for residents' enjoyment of the area.

Costo Estimado: $15,000


New Flagpole at Exchange Place

A flagpole bearing the seal of the City of General Santos which is the sister city of Jersey City, will be installed alongside the other flags in Exchange Place.

Costo Estimado: $1,000


Art Programs and Workshops in Pedestrian Plaza

The City will sponsor a single event in the Newark Ave Pedestrian Plaza with art programs and workshops hosted by professional artists alongside food for a "Taste of Jersey City” from local restaurants.

Costo Estimado: $20,000


Pickup Soccer in Enos Jones Park

The City will sponsor soccer balls and provide for their storage for residents to use and enjoy in the park.

Costo Estimado: $1,000


Benches Along Montgomery Street

The City will install 5 benches benches along Montgomery Street for residents' enjoyment.

Costo Estimado: $10,000


Portable Toilets in Hamilton Park

The City will install 2 Portable Toilets in Hamilton Park and maintain them.

Costo Estimado: $50,000


Get to Know Your Neighbor Festival in Pedestrian Plaza

The City will sponsor 4 events in the Newark Ave Pedestrian Plaza with the theme of getting to know your neighbors. Food and drink from local restaurants and cleanup will be provided.

Costo Estimado: $12,000