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Note: These projects are arranged in a random order.

Home Essentials for Newly Housed Residents

Provide much-needed supplies for previously unhoused Cambridge residents to set up their home in their new apartment. Upon leasing, these residents will receive a Home Furnishings Kit which will include bed, bath, and kitchen essentials.

Estimated Cost: $60,000

Location: Subsidized housing units around Cambridge.


Outdoor Volleyball Court

Add an outdoor sand volleyball court to a public park.

Estimated Cost: $100,000

Location: To be determined based on need, impact. Proposal recommendations include: Danehy, Cambridge Common, Donnelly, or others.


Driver Speed Feedback for Safer Streets

Purchase and install solar-powered traffic calming devices that provide real-time driver feedback on the speed limit and current driving speed. This will fund 20 signs at 10 locations.

Estimated Cost: $100,000

Location: Locations will be selected for greatest impact where data indicates drivers are exceeding the speed limit.


Restore the North Cambridge Mural Before it’s Gone!

This art display absorbs the positive energy that comes from neighbors gathering, kids play around it, it is used as a backdrop for many pictures, and it is very busy during basketball and tennis season. It must be refurbished for the benefit of the North Cambridge community!

Estimated Cost: $140,000

Location: North Cambridge, Pemberton Street.


Praise for Raised Intersections

Install a raised intersection(s) in an underserved residential area with high volume traffic to calm streets and increase safety for pedestrian crossing.

Estimated Cost: $120,000

Location: To be determined based on need and impact. Prioritizing higher traffic residential areas near parks and schools.


Enhancing City Pollination Areas with Educational Displays

This proposal funds educational displays on the importance of pollination for urban environmental sustainability to enhance current (and future) pollinator areas across the city.

Estimated Cost: $10,000

Location: Bee pollinator areas and other locations as determined by City staff.


Public Bathroom

This proposal will build a third standalone outdoor public toilet that is accessible 24 hours per day.

Estimated Cost: $400,000

Location: To be determined based on need, impact, and space availability.


Community Garden Storage Sheds

Funding will support the installation of up to ten lockable sheds for tool storage at Cambridge community gardens.

Estimated Cost: $30,000

Location: Community gardens around Cambridge.


Water Fountains

Install four accessible drinking fountains for residents and visitors in high foot traffic neighborhoods and parks.

Estimated Cost: $120,000

Location: St. Peter's Field, John Ahern Field, Longfellow Park (Pending Historical Commission approval), Fort Washington Park (Pending Historical Commission approval).


Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Funding will support new construction and any related maintenance for two new electric vehicle chargers in Cambridge. Each charging location would charge two cars at once.

Estimated Cost: $250,000

Location: To be determined by City staff based on need and impact assessments.


Cambridge Works Out

Exercise is crucial to health and wellbeing. This project will install a permanent outdoor fitness station to make outdoor exercise more accessible to the Cambridge community.

Estimated Cost: $110,000

Location: To be determined based on need, impact, and space availability.


Cambridge Hoops

Upgrade one outdoor basketball court with new surfacing, pro basketball hoops (adjustable & single rimmed), and fresh paint.

Estimated Cost: $250,000

Location: To be determined by need and impact. Recommendations include Hoyt Field, Columbia Park, Dana Park, Peabody, Riverside.


Bicycle Parking that Doubles as Public Art

Install 6 artist-designed bike racks that will create functional public art while increasing available bike parking.

Estimated Cost: $50,000

Location: To be determined based on need and impact assessments.


STEAM Upgrades for Youth Centers!

Support learning, creativity, and fun for Cambridge’s Youth. This project funds upgraded STEAM equipment for Youth Centers: new computers, learning technologies, more creative art supplies, diverse books, gaming technology, recreational equipment, TV monitors, and more!

Estimated Cost: $110,000

Location: Cambridge Youth Centers.


African American and Indigenous Peoples Historical Reckoning Project

Restore and expand the African American Heritage Trail in Cambridge, highlighting the accomplishments of Black Cantabrigians, and recognize the historical sites of Indigenous peoples in Cambridge and include traditional Eastern Woodland languages on City property.

Estimated Cost: $180,000

Location: Winthrop Square and other locations in Cambridge.


The Cambridge Gambit

Install chess tables in parks, city squares, and near libraries to foster fresh air, brain training, and diverse intergenerational community interaction through chess and other board games!

Estimated Cost: $30,000

Location: To be determined based on need and impact. Recommend: Tobin school next to the basketball court, Porter Square, The Port, East Cambridge, outside libraries.


Nursing Pod for Breastfeeding and Pumping

Provide a clean, comfortable, and safe place for those who need to breastfeed babies or pump breast milk.

Estimated Cost: $50,000

Location: A City owned building. Location to be determined based on need, impact, and space availability.


Traffic Signals for Cyclists

Navigating intersections can be dangerous while riding a bike. Adding bike signals to busy intersections that already have traffic signals will help cyclists safely cross intersections at a reasonable cost to the city.

Estimated Cost: $60,000

Location: Dangerous intersections on major streets.


More Bluebike Stations for High-Need Areas

Install 3 new Bluebike stations in Riverside and Cambridgeport, areas that are underserved by the current network.

Estimated Cost: $180,000

Location: Riverside and Cambridgeport.


Keep Cambridge Clean

Install 10 touchless, pest-resistant Big Belly trash compactors in the most needed areas. Solar-powered and more efficient than traditional bins, Big Bellies will be hands-free, reduce rodent population and keep streets cleaner.

Estimated Cost: $80,000

Location: To be determined based on need and impact.