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Note: These projects are arranged in a random order.

Pour and Play Playground Foundation and Wheel Chair Accessible Equipment

Boyd Park will soon have new playground equipment. This funding will add pour and play to the coming playground to allow a safer and more accessible surface to be installed. A wheelchair accessible merry-go-round will also be added to the play area. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $55,200

Location: Boyd Park 1202 Fairway Street


Playground rubber surface matting and merry-go-round for ADA

Speed Reduction Solar-Powered Signs

Speeding in city neighborhoods is a safety issue. Roadway infrastructure devices like digital mph feedback signs or flashing signs can help slow traffic to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, students, and people with different abilities. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $75,000

Location: Three Locations – To Be Determined


Speed reduction solar-powered street signs

Pinehurst Park – Shipping Containers for Equipment Storage

The addition of two shipping containers for equipment storage at Pinehurst Park to eliminate current costs of renting a storage unit and summer off-site storage. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $19,263

Location: Pinehurst Park


Two shipping containers for storage

Eau Claire Cultural Trail

Create a cultural trail to celebrate our city’s rich history and to recognize the contributions many cultures made to the growth and development of our community. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $50,000

Location: Along city trails to be determined - the Hmong and Latino communities will be consulted for final location


Images of public art celebrating Hmong and Latino communities

Neighborhood Branding

Unique street signs designed by neighborhood associations to create neighborhood identity. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $25,000

Location: Active Neighborhood Associations


Neighborhood branding on street signs

Stairway to Dell’s Pond (Ruby Lane)

Stairs would be added to the trail at the end of Ruby Lane down to Dell’s Pond. The stairs will create another access point to Dell’s Pond allowing residents opportunities for many recreational benefits. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $69,000

Location: Ruby Lane/Dell’s Pond


Stairway down to Dells Pond

Invasive Species Management

Purchase a Seppi CL 150 forest mulcher to remove invasive species in public places. The mulcher will allow staff to remove a greater amount of invasive species more efficiently. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $41,400

Location: Parks, trails, detention ponds, and other public spaces


Mulcher equipment to remove invasive species

ADA Accessible Kayak/Canoe Launch

Add a EZ Dock ADA compliant kayak/canoe launch at the existing Half Moon Lake/Braun’s Bay dock to allow people with all abilities greater ease to launch kayaks/canoes into Half Moon Lake. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $67,891

Location: Half Moon Lake/Braun’s Bay


Kayak and canoe ADA accessible launch dock

Little Free Ball Libraries

The addition of Little Free Ball Libraries located at 12 community parks throughout the City of Eau Claire to allow all park attendees the necessary equipment to enjoy all the play areas of the park. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $6,135

Location: 12 Community Parks


Stands holding sport balls in parks

LED Lighting at Phoenix Park and Farmer’s Market Pavilion

Funding would update light fixtures and install LED lighting in Phoenix Park and the Farmer’s Market Pavilion saving the city money, providing environmental benefits, and helping to eliminate light pollution. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $126,615

Location: Phoenix Park and Farmer’s Market Pavilion


LED light retrofit to Phoenix Park and farmers market

Sojourner House Solar Array

This project funds solar electric panels on the new rooftop of the Sojourner House shelter for the unhoused. This will reduce annual operating expenses. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $30,930

Location: 618 S. Barstow St.


Rooftop solar panels

Chippewa Valley Bike Route Wayfinding Signs

Wayfinding signs for Eau Claire bike trails as recommended in the 2017-2027 Chippewa-Eau Claire Metropolitan Planning Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Signs would direct pedestrians and bicyclists to nearby amenities and identify routes. The signage would be consistent throughout the region to help ensure ease of use of trails. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $115,000

Location: Multiple


Bicycle signs with route directions

Artificial Turf Kato and Volleyball Court

One artificial turf volleyball court will be added to a local park to be determined if the project wins funding with assistance from the Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association, Inc. Grass and artificial turf Kato/volleyball fields are used by the Hmong community when playing Kato and volleyball. The addition of an artificial turf field will provide a meeting place for games and allow generations to pass down their culture to future generations. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $46,000

Location: To Be Determined – Hmong Mutual Assistance Association will be consulted for final location


Kick volleyball (Kato) and volleyball artificial turf court

Feed My People: Hunger Action-Emergency Response Center Equipment

Feed My People (FMP) is expanding its current facility to add a Hunger Action Center, providing additional capacity to address root causes of food insecurity. This project will fund the purchase of shipping and receiving equipment for the new warehouse space. Requested equipment includes a pallet wrapper, scale, shelving/racking, and security cameras/recording equipment. The additional space will support FMP’s Emergency Response Program, providing storage for food boxes, hygiene items, and cleaning supplies to facilitate rapid response to natural, health, or other disasters. This will allow FMP to immediately open its doors and feed people out of the food bank during times of crisis. Read more...

Estimated Cost: $50,000

Location: 2610 Alpine Road


Warehouse racking, floor scale, and pallet wrapper