Welcome to the ballot for Sacramento's Your Voice, Your Choice Participatory Budgeting (PB) process.
This ballot is for people living in focus communties in North East Sacramento. You can check to see the eligible neighborhoods here: https://saccity.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.html?appid=6f4e09417d214c009a910fdf2a724edb
When you cast your ballot, you will be deciding how you want to allocate $500,000 of the city's budget.
For more information about Sacramento's Your Voice, Your Choice PB process, including a list of voting sites and events, fliers to share, and the playbook developed by the Steering Committee (an ad hoc committee of the Measure U communtiy advisory committee) for this year's process, please visit: http://www.cityofsacramento.org/pb
This process is brought to you by Measure U. This voting platform is possible thanks toThe Stanford Crowdsourced Democracy Team!
Measure U is collaborating with Asian Resoruces, Inc., Bridge Network, Child Action, Roberts Family Development Center, Sacramento ACT and Stanford Settlement Neighborhood Center, the Participatory Budgeting Project, Health Education Council, the City of Sacramento's City Manager's Office, Office of Communtiy Engagement, and others to support in outreach and event planning for the vote.