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Note: These projects are arranged in a random order.

Support Direct Community Food Access

Contract with a nonprofit to strengthen direct community food access programs in Somerville. These initiatives redirect excess food to those in need and/or reduce the barriers for residents to access free or subsidized food using tools like Community Fridges.

Estimated Cost: $55,000


A diagram titled "Food System and Value Chain"

STEM Programming in Libraries

Free informal STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programming offered on a variety of topics through Somerville Library; providing unique hands-on experiences to people of all ages. No previous familiarity with STEM required.

Estimated Cost: $50,000


Outdoor Living Rooms in Parks

Create Outdoor Living Rooms by installing furniture such as chairs, benches, tables, and picnic tables - so folks of all ages have comfortable ways to enjoy our parks. Our parks have lots of playgrounds and other facilities that are a great fit for children and families, but Somerville residents also want spaces to sit and gather.

Estimated Cost: $150,000


Bike Lane Acceleration

Accelerate the implementation of the Somerville Bicycle Network Plan. This funding will be used to pay for 1-2 miles of Quick-Build bike lanes divided by flexible delineators. This is additional funding, not replacement funding.

Estimated Cost: $250,000


Keep It Cool in the 'Ville

Install shade structures for parks and public squares. Create cooler, sun-safe areas for pedestrians and park-goers to reduce effects of urban heat.

Estimated Cost: $200,000


An example of a shade structure over concrete sitting areas in a public park

Residential Street Speed Bumps and Daylighting

City-wide fund to support speed bumps and daylighting (increased visibility near corners and crosswalks by reducing parking) of intersections on primarily residential streets; add “Your Speed” signage.

Estimated Cost: $150,000


A Google Maps image of a street with "Local Access Only" signage, painted crosswalks and no parking zones for daylighting

Somerville Safe Crossings

Add 15 crosswalks in Somerville with curb cut ramps on either side to increase safety and accessibility, consistent with the city's ADA Transition Plan and the Vision Zero Action Plan. This is additional funding, not replacement funding.

Estimated Cost: $115,000


Library of Things Expansion

Did you know? Wifi Hotspots, Chromebook laptops, toys, and games are currently available to borrow from all Somerville library branches. This proposal would enable an expansion of the program to include additional household tools such as cooking utensils, appliances, and power tools as well as pay for promotional materials informing citizens about the service.

Estimated Cost: $50,000


Bus Stop Improvement

Improve access and condition of areas around bus stops in most heavily used corridors in Somerville (Broadway, Washington, Somerville Ave.). Options include real time signage, seating, landscaping, or innovative shade structures.

Estimated Cost: $200,000


A Google Streets view of a Highland Ave bus stop

Play for all in the 'Ville

Make play accessible in Somerville by adding play equipment for kids of all abilities.

Estimated Cost: $200,000


Image for Play for all in the 'Ville

Summer Music in the Park Series

Create a series of outdoor concerts featuring local musicians in a variety of genres, with a focus on highlighting different cultures. Rotating between parks and green spaces throughout the city including both East and West Somerville.

Estimated Cost: $50,000


Get Ripped in the 'Ville

Support mental and physical health by adding fixed workout equipment, such as pull up and dip bars, throughout Somerville parks and facilities.

Estimated Cost: $100,000


Image for Get Ripped in the 'Ville

Concrete Safety Island Crossings on Wide Thoroughfares

Install concrete curb barriers and signage to create pedestrian islands at major thoroughfares (such as Broadway Ave, Elm St, Washington St, Boston Ave) that are especially wide; add “Your Speed” signage.

Estimated Cost: $200,000


Image of a caregiver and children using a safety island as they cross a busy road. Image courtesy of

Faster Bigbelly Trash Can Adoption for Rat Abatement

Place additional BigBelly trash can units through the city to improve cleanliness and decrease the rat population. Part of this funding would also go towards promotional materials explaining measures that all residents can take to reduce the rat population.

Estimated Cost: $250,000


Image for Faster Bigbelly Trash Can Adoption for Rat Abatement

Pedestrian Safety at Community Path Intersections

Improve safety and comfort of community path users by adding additional raised crosswalks, speedbumps, pedestrian islands, and concrete daylighting to intersections.

Estimated Cost: $150,000


An intersection in Somerville with pedestrian walkway painted green, concrete barrier and flexi-posts for protection

Additional Bike Racks and Fix-it Stations

Add fifty (50) bike racks across the city in high traffic corridors, and 5 bike fix-it stations in locations such as the community path, Bow Market, Union Square, Davis Square, Broadway, Central Library branch, and more highly frequented areas.

Estimated Cost: $85,000


Beating the Heat - Misting + Water Fountains

Add combined water fountains and misting stations to high traffic pedestrian areas to combat extreme heat for all residents outside playgrounds.

Estimated Cost: $50,000


Improve Pedestrian Safety Near GLX Stops

Install crosswalks, lighting, speedbumps, or daylighting at intersections adjoining or nearby new Green Line Extension (GLX) stops.

Estimated Cost: $150,000


A crosswalk nearest the Union Square T station at night

Solar System Sculpture

Hire a local artist to build a scaled model of the solar system in a sculpture series along a pedestrian path in Somerville with the goal of beautifying public spaces. Plaques alongside each sculpture guide viewers on a tour of the solar system in multiple languages.

Estimated Cost: $150,000


Image for Solar System Sculpture

Light up the 'Ville

Engage with local artists to design lively lighting for Somerville squares. Increase comfort, safety, and ambiance for residents experiencing all that Somerville nightlight has to offer year-round.

Estimated Cost: $75,000


Photo by Susan Boyce via depicting colored glass sculptures on a sidewalk