The voting has ended.

Welcome to the Participatory Budgeting process for the Tenderloin Community Action Plan (TCAP)!

We are pleased to announce the preliminary findings of the TL Community Action Plan (TCAP) Participatory Budgeting process. The Mayor’s investment of $3.5M intend to support the Tenderloin community’s leadership and engagement to improve their community and neighborhood – your advocacy for a safer, cleaner, more vibrant and active neighborhood made this possible and we thank each and every one of you for voting and making your voice heard. 


The Planning Department facilitated this process which culminated in a two-week voting period  please see below the list of proposals with the vote count for each. All project proposals will now be reviewed for feasibility by the relevant City department(s). Based on that feasibility analysis, which includes analyzing the total cost, timeframe from start to finish, and the impact on the neighborhood, among other factors, we will have a final list of projects to be implemented. Our target to present that final list publicly is by the end of January. As noted throughout this participatory budgeting process, only viable and feasible proposals will be implemented.  


Within nearly a two-week voting period, Tenderloin residents and workers voteto prioritize projects that will improve the quality and safety of public spaces, arts and cultural events, youth and community education, and food and shelter services.   


Below are some key findings from the voting process.  

  • 1,368 Tenderloin residents and workers voted, of those approximately 30% were workers.  

  • More than half of the funding will go towards improving neighborhood safety and livability.  

  • Tenderloin community showcased predominant support for improving neighborhood safety and livability with public space improvements, direct safety investments, cleaning, and basic needs such as shelter and food security 

  • Community wellness was also on the minds of voters, with community-based services for youth and immigrant seniors also receiving support

Voting Locations












Saturday and Sunday 


Dec 10 - 11 

Dec 17 - 18 


12:00 - 4:00 pm 


Safe Passage Park 


Monday and Tuesday 


Dec 12 - 13 


10:00 am - 1:00 pm 


Safe Passage Park 


Tuesday - Friday 


Dec 13 - 16 


10:00 am - 2:30 pm 


Tenderloin Children’s Playground 




Dec 20 


9:00 - 11:00 am 


Boeddeker Park 


Wednesday - Friday 


Dec 21 - 23 


10:00 am - 1:00 pm 


Safe Passage Park 



Voting Events














December 9 


4:00 - 6:00 pm 


Kroc Center Winter Fest 


The Salvation Army KROC Center  
240 Turk Street 




December 13 


1:00 - 2:30 pm 


Food Pantry  




December 15 


8:45 - 9:45 am 


Community Coffee 


Tenderloin Community School 
627 Turk Street 




December 15 


5:00 - 7:00 pm 


Family Night 


The Salvation Army KROC Center  
240 Turk Street 




December 16 


1:00 - 6:00 pm 


Holiday Food Giveaway 


Code Tenderloin 
144 Taylor Street 

The Participatory Budgeting digital ballot, courtesy of the Stanford Crowdsourced Democracy Team.