Welcome to the Participatory Budgeting (PB) Cycle 11 ballot for the City of Cambridge!

March 6-16, 2025

The City of Cambridge invites residents aged 12 and older (including all 6th graders) to vote on projects to improve the City. You can vote and decide how to spend $1 million of the City's Capital Budget!

City-wide voting will take place March 6-16, 2025.

Voting requires a code for verification. You can receive a code through a text message, email, or at an in-person voting site.

If you have a cellphone that can receive text messages, please select the "Vote Now!" button to begin the vote.

If you don't have a cellphone, you can receive a code via email. Please select the "Enter code" button and follow the instructions on the page to get an access code and vote.

To vote in person, visit pb.cambridgema.gov to view the full voting schedule with locations.

Please visit pb.cambridgema.gov for more information. Contact the Budget Office at pb@cambridgema.gov or (617) 349-4270 with any questions.


This website was made possible by the Stanford Crowdsourced Democracy Team.

  • በአማርኛ ድምጽ ለመስጠት ከላይ በቀኝ ጥግ ላይ ያለውን "Lanuages" የሚለውን ሳጥን ይፈልጉ እና አማርኛን ይምረጡ
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  • বাংলায় ভোট দিতে, ওয়েবপেজের উপরের ডানদিকে কোণায় "Languages"- আয়তক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন
  • 要用中文投票,请找到“Languages”框并选择中文。
  • 如需使用中文(繁體)進行投票,請選擇網頁右上角的 "Languages"。
  • Pour voter en français, sélectionnez "Languages" dans le coin supérieur droit de la page web.
  • Pou vote nan lang Kreyòl Ayisyen, Jwenn bwat "Languages" ki nan kwen anlè a, sou bò dwat sitwèb la.
  • हिंदी में वोट करने के लिए वेबपेज के ऊपरी दाएं कोने में “Languages” चुनें।
  • 日本語で投票するには、ウェブページの右上にある"Langauges" を選択してください。
  • Para votar em português, encontre a caixa “Languages” no canto superior direito da página.
  • Para votar en español, busque el cuadro “Languages” en la parte superior derecha del sitio web.
